Directed by: Tom Malcolm Wright
Set/Costume Design: ERW Designs
Produced by: Little Mighty
Mentored by Alexander Kelly, and supported by Third Angel (
A rollicking night of cabaret storytelling about…post-natal depression?!
Ten years ago, I started writing a show.
It was RAZAMATAZZ. It had a clown, and songs, and something about a grand piano.
But then I had kids, (which was wonderful, and hard) and life got in the way, and that show never quite made it through. Now I'm a decade older, I've decided I'm going to make my comeback and finish it off.
This is my chance to make a mark.
To deal with the Big Stuff.
To leave an inheritance for when I've gone.
As well as dealing with some of the unrecognised hardships faced by new mothers, it explores our complicated relationships with making music, and the question of what we leave behind. It's brave, uncompromising, and ultimately life affirming, blending hilarious clowning, heartfelt storytelling and raucous cello songs.
Audience reviews:
Dan Bye, Theatre-Maker
Just because a show about post-natal depression is suprisingly funny doesn't stop it going to the dark places. If anything it's truer for the route it takes.
Emma, Audience Member (The Dukes, Lancaster)
...saw your show tonight and I just wanted to tell you how much I loved it. It made me laugh and cry, in the very best way.
Aliki Chappell, Theatre-Maker
...a witty, wise, vulnerable and very human show that made me mist up my glasses a bit.
George, Audience Member (Greenwich Theatre)
My friend and I were completely blown away - absolutely incredible...
Tom Wright (Director)
Directing includes: The Container (Edinburgh Fringe, winner Fringe First and Amnesty International Award, Young Vic), Home Sweet Home (Freedom Studios, Albany and Arc), Brief Encounters at Bradford Interchange (Freedom Studios), WOKE (Little Mighty/Leeds Playhouse/Royal Exchange).
His work is dedicated to his mentor, Daisaku Ikeda.
Please see for details of upcoming productions; if you enjoyed this one-person autobiographical show about mental health you may enjoy Chris Singleton’s How To Be a Better Human.
Emma Williams (Set/Costume Design)
Emma trained at Wimbledon School of Art.
Some recent designs include “Belle and Mary” The Dukes, Lancaster;” Hidden History”, Mind The Gap; “”Everything I Own“ and “Abigail’s Party” Hull Truck; “Upon The Stair” Harrogate Theatre and “Queen of Chapeltown” Leeds Playhouse.
Forthcoming designs are: “Nine Night”, Leeds Playhouse and “Listen 52” Chol Theatre.
Zoe Smith (TSM)
Zoe has been a stage and production manager since 2019, working with companies such as New Earth Theatre, Darkfield and Letter for Letter. Zoe enjoys working on projects that share underrepresented stories.
Dick Bonham (Dramaturg)
Dick is a writer, dramaturg, director and producer. Most recently, he directed “Upon The Stair” by Adam Z Robinson, which used integrated BSL. Reviews Hub said “Everyone needs to see this show.” He is also the Fringe First award-winning director of Daniel Bye’s “Going Viral”, which the Guardian called “fascinating, terrifying and thought provoking”. His writing includes “We Can Be Heroes”, which toured venues across the country (“thoughtful and genuinely funny” - Gez Casey, Literary Manager, Live Theatre) and “If I Say Jump” for Common Chorus Theatre. Dramaturgical work includes Kieran Hurley’s “Hitch” and Emma Decent’s “Beyond Dreams of Aberystwyth (The Lowry, Salford Quays).
LittleMighty (Producers)
LittleMighty is an independent producer based in Leeds that works with remarkable artists to make brilliant theatre happen. Their award-winning work has toured nationally and internationally. Current clients include Newcastle-based NPO Unfolding Theatre (“Thrillingly talented people” - The Guardian) and The Book of Darkness & Light, whose gothic-tinged work has been called by its audiences “utterly, utterly brilliant… One of the best shows I have ever seen”.
If you, or anyone you know, is struggling with post-natal (or any other kind of) depression, help is available. Please find the support you need, when you need it.
Samaritans: 116 123 or email:
Mind Mental Health Charity:
PANDAs Foundation (perinatal mental health charity): 0808 1961 776
More Music!
The intro music is by the incredible band: Wyndow